Monday, July 2, 2012

Top 10 Ways to be happier ...

Everyone wants to be happy, but is that realistic? Well it depends on what makes you happy. Just look at the stories of people who win the lottery and then realize that the common ambition to be rich do not usually make anyone happier. Here are some ways to be happier feasible.

  1. Be realistic: Many people dream that their life will change when you win a lottery prize. The fact is that a victory like this has a very small degree of probability of occurrence. It is best to be realistic, and if you want to improve your life do it with hard work, doing something you enjoy with your heart and making smart choices.

2. Acceptance: One way to feel happier is to accept what cannot change. We can only change ourselves, we cannot control or change other people, and some situations are beyond our ability to change. Wishing things were different only makes you miserable...

3. Think positive: If you want happiness, then try to put yourself in a positive mood. Smiling actually makes you feel better, so I think you're happy and will reinforce that feeling positive, increasing their mood. "When you change your ways of looking at things  ... the things you look at change.”

4. Less Materialistic: It is widely held that in modern life, people believe that the acquisition of things makes them happy. However, it is quite obvious that this has nothing to do with true happiness. Try to place less importance on possessions and more meaningful search to feel satisfied. 

5. Find your passion: One way to be happier is to find what your passion in life. What really moves you? What do you most like to do above all else? Find out what it is, and has to be the center of your life.

6. People are important: As said, no man is an island, and no woman is either. We are often surrounded paradoxically see many 'friends', and yet few of them really be there for us in a crisis. Focus on the people who really matter, and not taking the time to people who do not make you happy.

7. Set goals: Unless you're a very relaxed, you will probably feel that you have some goals in life. Drift can be very frustrating. Setting goals, whether they be small or large - that do not have to be working on something all the time.

8. Live in the present: If you want to be happy, live in the present. It's good plan, but worry about the future means you can miss to enjoy today. And definitely do not live in the past, it will make you very miserable.

9. Little things: Happiness often found in small things, like a hug from your child. We tend to focus only on major events, like holidays, when it comes to finding enjoyment in life. These do not happen too often though, but if you look around - not always take much to make you feel happy.

10. Lives being yourself: Finally, if you want to feel happier, is essential to have good self-esteem, and this is achieved by loving yourself. So be gentle with yourself (often we can be our worst critic), and you will feel happier and more complete.

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