Friday, December 21, 2012

How to grow professionally

In our work we gain much satisfaction. On the one hand, new knowledge, good comrades who then become good friends and, of course, our long-awaited pay monthly (or biweekly, depending on the company) with which We solve our debts and give us some "Gustitos" for "recharge" and work harder.
Once we have become accustomed to the rhythm of work involving new responsibilities come take part of our free time to supplement our professional and personal development. Apart from the outstanding scholars who take for granted (like taking our record or bachelor's degree), we must also project ourselves to make a racing line based on our experience, skills and hobbies.

Hence, we have to provide a few hours of our free time to study post-graduate , preferably, to be within the field of work in which we operate. And that means not only take classes but also take some time to implement what they have learned. And even if you do not have enough capital to start a new specialization can hope to reunite him with extra work, trying not dilate much the beginning of our studies.
It is best to opt initially for a diploma that besides consuming less time than a master prepares us to acclimatise to the change in our lifestyle, which actually become more agitated at having to divide among more activities. Also, to get your school certificate and add it to the work we can present to record calls for scholarships abroad and aspire to better jobs.
Not forgetting to start or continue our studies of a language abroad, so that the application for an international scholarship consider learning the language of the country they postulate and at least have an acceptable level of English, which is more universal. That said, get to work!

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