Friday, December 21, 2012

How to grow professionally

In our work we gain much satisfaction. On the one hand, new knowledge, good comrades who then become good friends and, of course, our long-awaited pay monthly (or biweekly, depending on the company) with which We solve our debts and give us some "Gustitos" for "recharge" and work harder.
Once we have become accustomed to the rhythm of work involving new responsibilities come take part of our free time to supplement our professional and personal development. Apart from the outstanding scholars who take for granted (like taking our record or bachelor's degree), we must also project ourselves to make a racing line based on our experience, skills and hobbies.

Hence, we have to provide a few hours of our free time to study post-graduate , preferably, to be within the field of work in which we operate. And that means not only take classes but also take some time to implement what they have learned. And even if you do not have enough capital to start a new specialization can hope to reunite him with extra work, trying not dilate much the beginning of our studies.
It is best to opt initially for a diploma that besides consuming less time than a master prepares us to acclimatise to the change in our lifestyle, which actually become more agitated at having to divide among more activities. Also, to get your school certificate and add it to the work we can present to record calls for scholarships abroad and aspire to better jobs.
Not forgetting to start or continue our studies of a language abroad, so that the application for an international scholarship consider learning the language of the country they postulate and at least have an acceptable level of English, which is more universal. That said, get to work!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The best beauty tips for your wedding

Depending on the age you are when you go to walk down the aisle will be enhanced some or other parts of your beauty . Thus, at age 20, fought minor imperfections, at 30, trying to hide a tired, at 40, trying to make clear that the passage of time.

Tips for getting everything from beauty :

As we know each and every skin is different, so each will have different needs, and that is not the same fair skin a brown skin.
A good night's sleep to not only improve your mood but also improves your appearance. You should sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Be watching the clock to see how long you have to stay on the bed before the alarm sounds increases anxiety. Therefore, you have no watch closely.
A room that's too hot not allowed to rest properly, you must ventilate before going to sleep and you have a normal temperature around 22 ยบ.
The snuff is not good for health, we all know that, besides that smoking ruins your sleep.
Wash your face before going to bed to remove the fat from the skin because if we can not have blackheads and pimples, unwanted.
The colder it is, will be more dry and brittle nails and skin of the hands. To protect your hands in the cold season is a basic standard and easy: apply a cream after each hand washing and wearing gloves.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Why the Sea is blue?

One of the attributes of the water is that it is "colorless" , in short it does not have any color, but you wonder .. then Why the sea is blue? Here we tell you why.

It has spread a strong rumor that the "sea is blue" because it reflects the blue sky , but the reality is that this is a lie, because there are days where the sky is overcast and the sea is still keeping the blue.
When we find large quantities of water, which also is also mixed with other substances such as calcium carbonate or salt is more difficult than the rays of light to pass through, while some of that light is reflected in the sea (the is part of blue light, a predominant color being). The deeper the water, the more light absorbed, because it looks blue sea on the horizon more than the banks.
Also, the color of the sea is related as the sun's position, the presence of clouds in the sky and choppy water, plus its depth.

Monday, December 3, 2012

How to celebrate baby's first Christmas

Christmas is a special time and every time is closer. In fact, it has already opened in many cities the normal lighting in the streets. Well ... How to celebrate the first Christmas baby ? Here are some simple guidelines:

1) First, it is good to create a special atmosphere at home, ie, decorate the living room with the Christmas tree lights or also filled with the crib. While the child is still not very aware of what is happening around excellent start to integrate you this holiday season from early childhood.

2) You can choose a special photo of the baby to create a Christmas greeting card to send to your family and friends. A gesture that will surely appreciates your environment as this picture will be a nice souvenir.

3) On the other hand, it is also advisable to make many photographs the child during its first Christmas to go see his evolution and growth over the years.

4) In addition, on special nights of Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve is possible to bring the bassinet for baby to rest in the house where the meeting will produce familiar.

5) This Christmas must-haves in your home the traditional carols and joy. Simply because a baby deserves to be born and grow up in a hopeful. So although Christmas is a time that can arise sadness at the absence of some missing loved ones, the truth is that it is worth making an effort to think of the joy that generates a baby.

Monday, November 19, 2012

7 tips to enjoy a good weekend

Arrive on Friday and we are anxious for the weekend. Although two days never seem enough, there are many things we want to do to have fun and enjoy our free time. And this is possible.

Sometimes we have so many different ideas that ended up doing nothing. Staying at home and when it's Sunday night everything we wished we could have done and did not.

Here I leave 7 ideas for you to enjoy your weekend and surely you can think of a thousand more!

1. Avoid the routine. Our lives often become monotonous and predictable, this because of our work that we are forced to come into routines. But the weekend should be an excuse to break up with this. Take yourself to do something different, accept invitations and avoid unusual type thinking "this is not what I would do." Force yourself to spend it with people you do not know well, these are the things that give you different experiences and why not, adventures.

2. Salt to nature No matter where life, there is always a nearby tree, flowers, a bit of grass. You may have to drive, cycle or walk, but what better excuse to get out of your house. Force yourself out of your house, to hang somewhere natural, for air and sun. This causes your emotions to remain in good movement, gives strength and helps your mind to relax and feel at peace. Commit to spending at least one hour each day of the weekend in nature.

3. Watch the sunrise and sunset. Wake up early in the morning and watch the sun rise. If you are with someone trying not to talk too. Of late you can go somewhere special, as high as possible from where you can see the sun setting. These are magical moments that will make you feel good.

4. Make a plan with friends. Invite people you want to your home. Take advantage of the excuse to put your house in order, and make it look clean and smell good. Turn off the TV and have a good time to talk and laugh with your friends.

5. Kitchen. Enjoy the days of the weekend and kitchen to the rest of the week. Search and prepares recipes, challenge and make different goodies. Then you can put them in the freezer and forget about cooking the rest of the days you work and have occupied. Thus eat well and healthy daily.

6. Catch up. Weekends are for fun and have a good time but you can also take the opportunity to do all those things that do not come by. Use the days of the weekend to do these activities. After that you'll perform them feel more relaxed and weighing less overhead.

7. Do something for yourself. After a long week is good reward us and give us something, a moment, a mime, a taste, whatever. You can use to go to the hairdresser and make something different, buy some clothes that you really like, go eat something good out of your house, make a relaxing treatment or anything that makes you feel good.

Live in care for your loved ones

Are you responsible of looking after you elderly parents or a relative? Or are you the caregiver of a sick family member or friend? If you need someone reliable to look after your loved one while you’re at work or needs to take a break then a great choice to opt for is live in care. 

 Live in care is a great choice for a dependent person even if you’re not living close to them or you can also opt for respite care which will give you some space to take a break and relax, this will also come handy in case of an emergency. If you’re getting the services of a caregiver it is important that you choose a reputed live in care agency that will make both you and the person who’s been looked after comfortable. 

Before hiring a live in caregiver always discuss on the services that they will offer, holiday schedule, duration and payment schemes. If you’re loved one requires special medical care then you can check for expertise. 

Useful Link: Live In Carer

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to create a Business Made Easy

Creating a business is to generate a source of income to get ahead and be successful , and to seek independence from parents are usually the basis of "Why create a business." if you want to excel in life and be an excellent businessman here we give you some tips on how to achieve your goal.

1. We must have a clear idea of ​​what we want:
To start a business fast and practical way must first be sure of what kind of business you want.
It need not be a revolutionary invention
Must passionate and money is the last thing you should think
You must resolve problems and needs of others
You need to be innovative and have something that distinguishes you from the competition

2. Find people you can support:
Only on rare occasions have been known to people who have been successful because they have a business undertaken individually , but we recommend that you associate with people who can help them excel.
Must be capable and competent, trustworthy, before which the matter, honest, wholesome and friendly with no teamwork problems

3. Team to:
Hold the other skills you possess to make your business thrive.   , for example on a computer must have people who are good for advertising, to sell, to get other customers to create other sales material, others who are talented and provide more innovative ideas to the business.
The more people with different skills you have, the more successful your business will be.

4. Invest Income:
Sometimes it seems tempting to spend our money when we succeeding and reaping rewards. wiser But we must do if we want to move on and be more successful, in addition to live comfortably invest our money is becoming more so that our business can grow, between invest more, we will be more prosperous.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tips for organizing the best birthday party in the office

Every time we approach the birthday of one of your office mates will surely do the same question: what to do? Probably it is common to buy a cake, sodas, they all sing Happy Birthday and all ends there.

But now let me give you a suggestion of things that are must-haves so you can arrange something nicer and retailer to friends office:
The cake
Find out the favorite type of cake the birthday and where is the closest place to your office where you can buy it for a snack break. If personalized the better. For example, the birthday may like Batman, then be prepared to send a special cake with Batman as principal.
The place where it is to make the party (either the cafeteria or dining room, or office more spacious site) must be furnished at least with a few balloons. Believe it or not, the decor really enhance the mood of your companions.
Party hats
That at least have an birthday party hat , can be a crown of king or something fun like a Mexican sombrero. Something that makes you feel special.
The card
Make a personalized card. Sure anyone knows how to design on the computer or draw something nice. Let the message be something fun, or the nickname that has a feature so that everyone recognizes , and the inside is left the room for everyone to leave an autograph.
These four things are the basics for an office birthday party successful, but you can also consider other aspects such as decorate the desktop of celebrated with balloons and streamers, or a small gift before it arrives.
One aspect that is very important is to create a group that is responsible for birthday parties. It is a fact that when you ask for volunteers that day almost no one dares. The best thing is that there is a commission of 4 or 5 people who are responsible for organizing and preparing the entire party. Or in the worst case, hire a company that will bring the birthday.

Another important aspect is that you must have economic backgrounds for birthday parties. You can leave a piggy bank or office box where everyone let their weekly or monthly fee for the holidays and thus avoid a bad time to be asking for the cooperation of all late.
Now that you have these tips, why not try to make a birthday party at your office. Here in our office we organize birthday to one of our colleagues and garnish as a children's party and bought a loaf of Spider-Man, one of the birthday child's favorite characters. It was pretty fun, so I recommend it, it will generate joy and unity among your peers !

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Booking a venue for an event in London

Do you plan to have an event in London? Then go to a professional venue finder they will give you several options to choose from, find the suitable venue for your event whether it is a conference, corporate event, exhibition, party or board meeting. 

Choosing an appropriate location is very important for the success of your event because everything will fall into place through this. 

Obtaining the services of a venue sourcing company will allow you to plan your event easily and make everything executed according to planned. The experience that a venue finder has would enable you find great locations.

You will save a lot of time as well as money by booking your event venue in London if you go through a professional than doing it yourself since a professional venue finder company would have contacts and you may also be able to get a discount through them. 

Useful Link: Event Venues London

Monday, November 12, 2012

Credit Cards?? Yes, I want!

Being young, one of the things we lick our attention is the clothes right? Many of us go shopping with mom or dad, it is they who help us choose the clothes they buy, who tell us that we have such or in some cases, who limited budget our purchases according to their abilities.

In situations like this, many would like to have that money to make a difference and allow us to buy that garment so special or the latest gadget that your parents do not want to buy you. Underage is more difficult to get money, because very few people give you accepted a job with less than the legal age.

Having a credit card can be a great option for cases like this, however, there are many conditions that are taken into account prior to grant you one of these benefits.

If you have a credit card and do not know what are the details that will allow you to get, consider this listing.

Minimum age: any financial company will consider your age before grant you a credit card. In most cases it takes more than 20 years have to access one. Best to avoid this situation is to help your parents so they can make an extension of your credit card (which has the same facilities and gives the same benefits).
History credit : to request a credit card, the least you need to demonstrate that you're able to pay and your behavior is good payer. As you are young and probably do not have debts, you must provide as collateral to your parents or guardians.

Payment Guarantee: to make sure you actually adhere to the established, is very important to have the support of a job . If you have a job and you already take six to twelve months working for him, banks or credit institutions may approve that you need both.
Remember to manage your money carefully, do not overspend and if possible, take into account the views of an adult so that your expenses do not get out of control. Best of luck!

6 foods that improve your mood

Are you too sad lately? Want to improve your mood and do not know how? Notes because then I present ten foods with which you can improve it, and feel in a better mood.

Water: Dehydration and fatigue are directly related to mood, ie a slight dehydration can reduce energy levels and affect mood.

Leafy greens: Several studies predict that green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli reduces the risk of developing depression .

Foods with Vitamin B: Vitamin B directly influences brain function and nervous system, and this is why feed on nuts, meat, fish and vegetables (among other products) help improve our mood.

Caffeine: If you drink coffee or other stimulant beverages will be aware that these significantly improve our mood.

Fruit: Being rich in fiber, creates a power supply present throughout the day.

Whole grains and foods rich in iron: This mineral is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, so the absence of these in the body, they can reduce our level of attention and concentration, as well as our memory.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Check List when Purchasing Nursery Furniture

It is indeed fun to pick out the colour, design and shape of any type of nursery furniture when a couple is ready to welcome their new bundle of joy. It is not only nursery furniture that you have to consider but many other items too. There are many reputable brands offering all baby related items and you can purchase them directly online. Many of the notable brands include Britax, Cosatto, Chicco, Graco, Maxi Cosi etc. 

Choosing nursery furniture is important while you have to consider some facts before you do so. As parents when you purchase a Chicco highchair, a cot bed of any type and even changing tables and cupboards, you can be sure of a good quality product. The checklist that you should however be cautious of includes rounded corners since sharp edges might harm the baby instantly, the sturdiness of the piece of furniture, safe finishing, and also enough of storage since the baby will have a wide range of toys and baby products that will require storage facilities. 

Useful Link: Nursery Furniture

What you can not miss in your make-up bag

What woman has not a little vanity in the bag to be about? But of course, not the same as having all your makeup products in a large drawer in your home or in more than a vanity than to have to reduce the amount of these to bring them forth.

That means you have to select only those items essential for the vanity will fit in the bag and not too heavy.

We help you select items beauty:

Powders : if compact much better because they can break and avoid spread of the bag. With them, you can back up your cheek tone throughout the day.

Illuminator : you can opt for a spell, but we recommend the illuminator. The spell is usually applied before the base and also serves to give the illuminator light to face the passing of the hours may have been lost.

Liner : shaped pencil eyeliner, gel or cream. Choose the one master and do not forget your vanity. Sure you need to mark you something more in your eyes, at any given time.

Lip : if you are used to paint the lips, carmine may you go during the day. Do not forget your lip gloss or color to keep the tone of your lips.

10 Life tips from Warren Buffet

Some interesting aspects of Warren Buffet his life:

1. - Bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!

2. - Bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.

3. - Still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in Omaha that he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says he has everything he needs in that house. Your house does not have a wall or fence.

4. - He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security.

5. - Never travels by private jet, although he owns the company largest private jet in the world.

6. - His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them regularly.
He has given his CEO's only two rules:
• Rule 1: Do not lose any money from its shareholders.
• Rule 2: Do not forget rule number 1.

7. - He does not socialize with the high society people. His hobby when he gets home is to make popcorn and watch TV.

8. - Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, met him only 5 years ago. Bill Gates thought they had nothing in common with Warren Buffett. Therefore, the meeting scheduled to last only half an hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of Warren Buffett.

9. - Warren Buffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

10. - His advice to young people: Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself.
A. Money does not create man, but was the man who created money
B. Life is as simple as you make it.
C. Do not do what others say. Listen to them, but do what makes you feel better.
D. Do not go on brand. Put those things in which you feel comfortable.
E. Do not waste your money on unnecessary things. Spend on those who really need it.
F. If the money is not used to sharing it with others, then what is it for?
G. Do not spend money you do not have. The credit, loans, etc. were invented by the consumer society.
H. Before you buy something, think: What will happen if I do not buy it? If the answer is 'nothing', do not buy, do not need it.
"we brought nothing into the world, or anything we're going to take ..."

Reasons to be happy even when things go wrong

Happiness does not necessarily mean that everything you have to do well as you would like or want. Happiness is that you feel good about yourself and that you try to be so, despite the obstacles that come your way, your spirit and strength is much greater than those situations.

Your perception of life is exactly the way you want it to be, if you decide beforehand that things today are not going to be fine, just make yourself a day to fail.
So, to be happy you have to think positively, material things are not important, always arrive at the right time and under its own weight. The best gift you can do to yourself is to think that things are going to be okay, that everything has a solution, we must look at things on the positive side, and there are always reasons to be happy , to smile.

Today, we give you some reasons to be happy every day, but things go wrong:

1 - enjoy today. When you wake up every morning wanting to do it live and the many things you can do, do a little stretching before showering. After leaving home to take a minute to observe the beauty of nature, the rising sun, hugging your parents, your spouse, your children, your brothers and remind them how much you love, you'll not only have a good days but also help the family to have their own good day.

2 - Find your own reason to be happy. Be original, unique, remember what your goals and what are your strategies in the day to do them.

3 - always gives a smile and laugh, the times you can. sometimes it's good to laugh at oneself, and they do not know who may be waiting for that beautiful smile of yours.

4 - Cherish the little details. Those details that will sweeten your day, and the most important thing is what they mean.

5 - Do not wait for the opportunities you knock on the door of your house, look them up yourself, a good attitude towards life you will achieve all your dreams. Beware of perfectionism, all you get is more stressed out.

Being happy today is a choice you have to make every morning, feel happy with yourself and always look at things from a positive side.

What causes nail fungus?

Nail fungus diseases are more common in toe nails and most of the adults suffer from this disease. It is caused by a group of fungi which is called as microscopic organisms and dermatophytes. These fungi enter into nail skin through tiny cuts. Then it starts growing when nails have a warm and wet surface. Wet / warm legs, wearing socks most of the time, not covering legs in wet public places, wearing tight foot wears, diabetes, weak immune system, injured nails or skin and genetics are the main reasons for nail fungus diseases.
Nail fungus could be healed by following a proper nail fungus treatment. Your physician might prescribe antifungal drugs. But this medication depends on your health condition. Antifungal drugs aren’t suitable for the patients who are suffering from liver damage and heart failures. The next medication would be to use antifungal cream or liquid. If these medications didn’t answer, the final option would be the nail removal surgery. Don’t worry this is not painful and once you are done with it, you will get new nails back.

Useful Link: Fungal Nail Treatment

Makeup tips for small eyes

First you must know that a well-plucked eyebrows framing the eyes and make them look bigger.

Also you comb your eyebrows so they are neat and beautiful. Once these requirements, let the rest of the makeup is entrusted. Notes!

To enlarge the eyes require the following: eye shadow, mascara or curler and mascara.

Employs shadows eyes light colored or bright, never use dark colors. Curl your lashes before mascara and then used two coats of it to give a more powerful effect on your look. Try these simple tips and you'll see that your eyes look bigger.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Key points for your wedding

I'll give you some points that you can not ignore if you're planning your wedding.

First we set a budget. When you are planning your wedding will need to know how much money TELL. For young couples mine is tradition that the bride and groom's families work with some expenses.

To set the budget so we can plan the wedding is very important to be realistic. If you are a good manager can get to work wonders , if you set the priorities and planning the details view not spend much money on them.

To control spending you can open an account at the bank. way you know the costs to be paid and how much money to stay at the end. If you have the money in your hand will be easier to spend it or tempt you with things you really do not need.

Once you have made ​​the budget you set the date for that you must visit the church, civil registration and the place where you go to make the reception. You also need to keep this in mind if you hire a band or the photographers . For those experts in wedding planning advise starting a year before the chosen date.

Another tip I can give is to take it all pointed in one place . You can buy a notebook for this purpose. If you keep everything on separate sheets is possible that some of it is lost. It is very important to be neat and tidy.

If you have a friend or family member who has recently married and spent great ask you to recommend some suppliers. Then you must take the time to visit each of the checking services providers provide you, based on your tastes and your boyfriend. It is very important that they are established in writing the services we provide and the cost of them , so you can avoid any misunderstandings.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Facebook users are more active than Twitter

The largest analysis of user behavior in social networks, GlobalWebIndex, released its latest report. The study, based on interviews with more than 152,000 people in 31 different markets, suggests that Facebook users are the most active of all social platforms, with 64% of them contributing to their business content . The second place goes to Google +, with 336 million active users. By contrast, in Twitter surprising the difference between the number of accounts created and the number of accounts used: there are 517 million accounts on the microblogging platform, but only 262 million have been used in the last month taken into account by the study .

The report also indicates that Pinterest has become an international star, with 53 million active users. And that despite the fact that the beta of this social network dedicated to sharing images only available from August 2012. While in other social networks more male users, in Pinterest over half of women who are accessing.

The report also reveals that 90% of Internet users have an account on at least one social network , while 70% used them in the past month. The five countries with the fastest growing social networks are Indonesia, China, South Korea, the Philippines and Russia.

Another point to note is that of the 5 most active social networks in the world, three are unique to China: Qzone, Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Finding a parking spot near your home!

Everyone talk about Parking in Paris. Yes, Parking in Paris is affordable but sometimes impossible to find. It becomes even harder you need to find parking near your home. Parking on the streets will not give you any secure reason to park. An alternative could be to park your vehicle using underground car parks. It’s easy to arrange for cheaper fees or discounts if you contract with them for a period of time or even if you park more than 24 hours. These offer great safety with the cameras around to track any fraud and staff working on full time.
The underground car parks are open all days and all times. When parking your car the ideal way to spot your car park would be to locate your eyes to find a blue square shaped symbol with the Letter “P” on it. You want to further safe guard and not get tired looking for parking slots you can buy a parking city pass online

Useful Link: Parking in Paris

Apple and its evidence against Samsung

Evil is what people of Samsung in judgment they have against Apple  for the design ofSamsung Galaxy S II , accused of being a rip off of the iPhone. Now lawyers for the Cupertino company has just released a test much more than strong against Asian company.
They presented a document of 123 pages written by Samsung engineers showing that the Korean company was copying all the features of the iPhone, both at design and UI.

In this paper we compare from the screens to native applications. We compare all things, even at the icons where Samsung's own engineers have emphasized the need to imitate the designs of the logos of Apple, giving brighter own icons and rounded edges to give an elegant touch, something than their original designs lacked.

Also include a statement that specifically say "eliminate the feeling that the iPhone icons are copied by another interface." With this, since Apple has made a move that has put nearly teacher against a rock and Samsung. Keep you informed of how it develops and how to react litigation Koreans.

5 tips to beat work stress

It is normal that at some point in your workday feel pressured by responsibilities, deadlines and achieve goals that you are assigned, are not easy stuff we know, and when you realize you've become an explosive full of stress to explode.

If you find yourself in this situation, here are 5 tips to give up in your work before it explodes the bomb in you.

Time is something that runs without stopping, so you better learn to live in harmony with it, for this you can start by purchasing a calendar and write down all the slopes you have, so you know how much time you have and give priority to the most important.

Mind over matter
you ever wondered why Tibetan monks are always so calm, nothing seems to affect them and that's incredibly enough, the key of which is meditation. But of course we understand that you will not get to "meditate" in the middle of a business meeting or five minutes before a big presentation, but if you can do when you wake up or before bed, with 10 minutes is enough to have a meeting with the most important person in your life, yourself, you'll get great results.

It Positive
Being positive is essential to perform better at work, keep your mind on positive thoughts will help you tedious than a day, because you will be focused on finding solutions rather than mislead thinking that the problems will resolve themselves.

seem impossible to smile when we feel that we swim against the tide, but believes that a smile will be easier to interact with your peers and managers work with a gesture.

Work in teams
of Fear "will say" peer sometimes affects things that are wrong and not to approach any help, consider that if they are in the same company, it is only because they are a team, so not bad for support or advice with colleagues, on the contrary, it will help the job done in a timely manner.

Finally, remember these tips to work all you need is to be consistent.

43 fun facts that you will like to hear from Social Networks

Here are 43 fun facts that will interest you to know about the different social platforms. Tell us what you think.

  • Google along with Facebook is the most visited page on the Internet.
  • Increasingly used 4.7 billion minutes on Facebook.
  • More than 350 million users suffering from Facebook Addiction Syndrome.
  • On average Facebook users make three new friends a month. In total they have an average of 130 friends.
  • Coca-Cola is the most popular brand in the social network. Until now has 51 million 455 thousand 779 fans .
  • One in five adults uses Facebook for flirting.
  • 70 percent of users update their profile on vacation.
  • The links related to sex are shared 90 percent more than any other link .
  • Women are almost 50 percent more information than men on their wall.
  • 85 percent of women are annoyed by their friends through the social network.
  • 750 tweets per second were posted on Twitter.
  • To get to tweet one billion three years it took two months. Today the figure is reached it each week.
  • If Twitter were a country, it would be the 12th largest in the world.
  • 53 percent of users recommended companies, brands or products in their tweets .
  • 43 percent of users follow a brand because their offers and discounts.
  • The user Klout is twenty points on average. Only 5 percent have a Klout of over fifty.
  • Lady Gaga has more than 29 million 500 followers . She follows 137 000 606 users.
  • The beta version of Twitter was launched on the birthday of its CEO Evan Williams.
  • Since last July, the network of microblogging is available in Catalan and Basque.


  • 48 percent of LinkedIn users do not have to complete your profile 100 percent. The profiles covered 100 percent receive 40 percent more visits.
  • 62 percent of users follow companies in order to find employment.
  • Every second two new members join LinkedIn.
  • So far, 2012 users are about to exceed the 5.3 billion searches.
  • There are over one million professional network groups.


  • Was created to share YouTube clips from the dinner party, because the files were too heavy to be sent by email.
  • The average visitor spends 15 minutes a day surfing the video platform.
  • YouTube began as a dating site and was influenced by the site site Hot or Not .
  • The most watched music video is Bad Romance by Lady Gaga, with over 470 million views .
  • The most watched video is noncommercial Charlie Bit My Finger Again , with over 460 million views


  • Pinterest currently has more traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn together.
  • Users spend on average less than 16 minutes on the platform
  • The group's most popular social network between 25 and 34 years, representing 27.4 percent of the user base.
  • Pinterest receives 1.3 million visitors a day.
  • 97 percent of the fans of the page with Pinterest on Facebook are women.

  • "Student" is the occupation number one users of Google+.
  • More than 2/3 parts of the users are men.
  • Over 43 percent of users are single.
  • The +1 button is used more than five billion times a day.
  • Every day Google+ adds 625,000 new users.


  • 25 percent of users Instagram photo rise to more than three days.
  • Each day MNA three million images are uploaded to the platform.
  • Barack Obama joined Instagram in January 2012. It has 118 pictures uploaded so far.
  • Every second will generate 575 likes .

Friday, September 21, 2012

Mystery shopping, a great research tool

Mystery shopping is a great tool to evaluate your company or store and find out your employees’ performance.
A mystery shopping evaluation is conducted by a mystery shopper who is generally hired by the company itself to find out what really happens when the bosses are not around. The mystery shopper will be given a list of information he will need to gather during the shopping session and at the end of the job a report has to be submitted.
Generally mystery shoppers analyse employee performance, price, availability, quality of product, customer service etc. If there are specific things that the shopper needs to do, it should be briefed in advance.
When conducting a mystery shopping evaluation it is best to do it via a professional mystery shopping company which has experience in the field in order to get good results. 

Useful Link: Mystery Shopping

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tips For a Happy Life

All we care for the happiness and often do not know how to do, is a great road ahead, but if you follow some tips and adapt to your daily life will be much easier to find happiness, these are some of them:
1. - Do something for others , everyone likes to feel loved and they can count on others to do something for them you will be helping them to be happy, that causes pleasure and happiness in yourself, so when you have the opportunity to do something for someone, no matter who is or is very small, do it.
2. - Do something for their own good , as we are often struggling in school, work, family and friends, that we completely forget about ourselves, and who will take care of us if we do not do? So from now on remember to do something for your own good, like taking a walk in the morning and take fresh air, take a class that interests you, do some exercise, etc..
3. - Enjoy every moment,  good or bad, because they are things you do not pass again in life, you should enjoy every moment I live, every tear, every smile, etc. Appreciating the little things will achieve find happiness even in the most unexpected places.
4. - Focus on the solution not the problem,  this is where we find most difficult, because it is easier to spin on the problems to find a solution for them. But if you learn to focus on the solution, the problems will not be as overwhelming and can lead a life without much difficulty.
5. - Doing something you do not like, but it is necessary,  we all have things we do not want to do because we do not like, but many of them are necessary, for example care of our health, is much needed but often not because the ways we do that we have to do not like. Think of something that is necessary and do not like it though.
These are just some tips that will help you have a happier life, I hope to do them.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The world's most expensive dessert

For those who like desserts or pastries like me we will make your mouth water with this extravagant dessert which is the world's most expensive but the price before telling them tell their ingredients is a cake with four decks of an exclusive chocolate Belgian premium, together with whiskey, peach, naranje, caviar and edible gold several hours this unique dessert is a delight culinary and price as or less than 25 000 euros making it the world's most expensive dessert, I imagine you would like test no.

Monday, September 10, 2012

How 3D Printers/printing Work!

3D printing is all about prototyping which is done automatically than using any human resource. These prototyping designs are done using computers in a top level of advancement. Designs are naturally build in by means of something called a “CAD system”.

The magic of 3D printing is that it forms n solid object with many layers put together to result to the object wanted or rather a mock-up of the mould. Moreover, it works ideally the same as an inkjet printer would work, where the printing is done in ink of layers to outline an illustration or a picture. as an alternative to ink on an inkjet printer the 3D printer uses molten plastic and  thick waxes to form the object
There are many types of3D printing that you can choose from according to your needs. Such as the binder 3D printer or photo polymerization printing is a few.

Useful Link : 3d Printer

Most requested fast foods

we have no time to prepare food at home or lack of time for a large dish. Whatever the reason, we have a pattern of choice when eating, so we bring you the most favorite fast food:

In every corner we go to find a Burger King or McDonald. This quick meal is preferred because you can go the eating anywhere without difficulty, very successful when you have enough time to eat. In addition to small home love to hunt the toy that comes in the Happy Meal.

The pizzerias abound and who does not like to eat a pizza in our field, with so many options to choose from, is a good choice if you go with friends or family, everyone gets what they want, happy ending.

 Fried chicken
Who does not like chicken? I have not met anyone that tells me they do not like, no matter what time of year, hour or day, we are all willing to eat it, if we have the opportunity.

If you are looking for a little more variety or Mexican style lunch time, would be the best fast food tacos, will enjoy it even more if you put some chili.

Hot dog 
Simple, with good flavor, just enough if you want a great meal, just a snack, while it's time to eat quietly.

Most followed celebrities on social networks

1. Rihanna : The successful singer from Barbados is positioned in the first place because it currently has 23.8 million Twitter followers and 59.6 million Facebook.

2. Lady Gaga. Extrovert singer, has 28 million followers on Twitter and 53 million in the social network Facebook.
3. Eminem . The controversial rapper Missouri, has in his Twitter account 11.9 million followers, while Facebook has 60.3 million fans.
4. Justin Bieber. The young Canadian singer 18, is positioned in fourth place to record a total of 26 million followers on Twitter and 45.8 million fans on Facebook.
5. Katy Perry . Recently divorced from Russell Brand, the pop singer has 24.5 million followers on Twitter and 45.7 million fans on Facebook.
6. Shakira . The Colombian performer supposedly waiting for her first child, and takes account of 17.6 million Twitter followers and 52.5 million Facebook fans.
7. Cristiano Ronaldo . The Portuguese soccer star of Real Madrid, has in his Twitter 12 million followers, while Facebook has 47.5 million fans.
8. Taylor Swift . The actress and country singer has 17 million followers on Twitter and 33.6 million fans on Facebook.
9. Lil Wayne. A rapper and hip-hop star who has 7.9 million followers on Twitter and 40 million fans on Facebook.

10. Selena Gomez. actress and singer, star of TV series, has 12.3 million Twitter followers and 33 million Facebook.